Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Court Is In Session

A while back I bought an old camcorder at an auction for a buck. I thought the kids would enjoy playing with it. They have. In fact, the other day I went back to one of the bedrooms where they were playing.

Court was in session. The Boy was the defendant. Baby was the judge, And Sissy was the prosecutor.

Sissy grilled the Boy about his whereabouts on a certain day and "exactly what were you doing at 1:15 when the bank was robbed?" And so forth. It was quite humorous to listen to what they think court proceedings sound like.

Then Sissy rested her case.

Notice the camcorder set up to record the proceedings.

At that angle, I'm not sure what it could see, but what do I know.

When Sissy rested her case, it was now up to the judge to proclaim her ruling. (A judge must wear glasses in order to demand the respect due her position). And this was the ruling.

"I don't believe a word you say! You are guilty and sentenced to 1000 years in jail."

Did you notice the glee on her face as she declared his sentence?

I hope I never come before her in court!


  1. Too bad she wasn't the presiding judge at OJ Simpson's murder trial, LOL!

    1. No kidding. She's pretty good at seeing past the bs and assuming the perp is guilty until proven.. nope just guilty. Or he wouldn't be in the courtroom, right? Lol. Just kidding. I know there innocent people who are accused of stuff they didn't do.

  2. Glad to see your kids doing things like what we did as kids instead of sitting in front of a TV playing video games. It makes for much more interesting and imaginative children.

    1. We try to limit how much "electronic" fun they have so as to encourage them to use their minds. I get more enjoyment from listening to them play than they probably get actually playing. It makes my ♥ happy!

  3. Love the Judges glasses...She looks so professional.I loved it!:-)

    1. Hey you figured it out! So glad to have you back. ♥
