Monday, November 25, 2013

A Lightbulb Moment

As part of my kitchen re-do, I decided to change out the light fixture above the sink. What was there was an. old, cheap ceiling fixture without the glass globe. So, yeah, It was an ugly bare bulb plugged into an uglier partial fixture.

I'm one who likes decorating in unique ways. I don't want my house to look like anyone else's home. It's so much more fun to make things than to just go out and buy them. To me anyway.

I searched for something antique related to the kitchen. I found some old coffee cans. Perfect!

First, I scrubbed them to get off any loose rust. After they dried, I sprayed them, inside and ou,t with polyurethane. I let that dry. This allowed me to keep the pretty, rusted look but still be able to clean the fixture.

Next, Mr Farmer and I wired them, glued two cans together, sprayed the inside silver to help reflect the light, etc., etc.

Finally, we hung it and screwed in a cool "Edison" bulb. And here you have it.


  1. Cool idea, love the old coffee can.

    1. Thanks, Gordon. I really had wanted to have them be pendant lights, but the old light left an ugly hole that needed to be covered so we had to mount that one flush to the ceiling. When Mr Farmer gets to doing the corner one, I want him to make it a pendant. We'll see.

  2. You certainly do have a unique decorating style. My favorite thing I have seen so far on your blog though is the pantry with the screen door and the stenciled rooster.

    1. That's probably my favorite, too. It turned out so beautiful.I like to d different things so my house doesn't look like anyone else's.

  3. Ok I NEED you to come to PA and help me decorate like this! lol I love your style as it is right up my alley, only I never know how to go about it. I just know when I like something and girl I love this! Along with your pantry screen door! lol

    1. I usually just look at something I need like a new light or a door and then go out and find something that will fit in the space and then we figure out how to make it work. I love the search as much as or more than the finished product.
